Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I woke up this morning feeling like I could breathe again. Today begins a new era in our country. As I write these words I can hear the slightly cynical voice inside of me ask who I think I am kidding. Barack Obama's campaign was built on hope - and today, it is on hope that I now rely.

Rarely have I been so inspired by a leader. Unlike anyone I have ever seen President-elect Obama's words and presence touch me deeply by both inspiring me to look at the world in a different way and, more importantly, challenging me to take action. The test of a good leader is not his or her ability to excite a crowd, while inspiring passion is part of it, the real test is whether or not they can mobilize people to take action, to get up and follow. It is to this that I find myself responding.

I am one of the small businesses about which the campaign's spoke this year. I am a business man who feels the impact of the difficult economic times and yet will also be asked possibly to give a little more to help those who can not help them selves. To this I say, yes I can. Not only can I, I want to. It is time for us to move beyond the self-centered, me first attitude that so often prevails in our culture today. It is time to realize that we are all traveling down the road. And, as the people before us have reached out a hand to help us along, so must we do the same for them.

And, so, today I celebrate a new day !!

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