Thursday, October 30, 2008

Be Open to Outcome, Not Attached to Outcome

Angeles Arrien, PH.D. is an anthropologist, author, educator and corporate consultant who has studied indigenous populations around the world. Her work reveals four archetypal patterns that lead to greater peace and balance in life. Each has a motto by which to live.

The principle that guides the Teacher, one of the four, is "Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome" According to Arrien the Teacher has wisdom and teaches trust, and understands the need for detachment.

In these challenging economic and political times, the way of the teacher is an important lesson for me. Day in and day out I see people; clients, friends, colleagues, and me struggling to remain calm and find some sense of balance as the world changes around us. It can be, a scary time.

I find peace when I step back and contemplate the way of the Teacher. Leaning on wisdom, trust and detachment during these times reminds me that there is a bigger picture that I can't see. I am reminded to have faith. And, along with faith, to do my part to contribute and be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. I step back and ask myself, or even better my higher power, for guidance as to the next right step that I can take. I may not be able to see the whole solution but if I do the next right thing and stay open to what the outcome may be, I am able to maintain peace and continue to move forward in life in a way that is of service to myself and the people around me.

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