Monday, January 28, 2008

Building a Personal Foundation

I was struck once again today by the importance of building a solid foundation for oneself. As leaders, we need to have our feet planted on solid ground if we are going to withstand the resistance that comes with leadership. It doesn't matter who you are - a solid foundation is essential.

I was listening to a single mother of six kids talk tonight. She was talking about the challenges she faced in her role as mother. She explained how she can tell when she isn't "tending to her garden" to use her words because weeds start to grow. And, she went on to explain, that when they do, she can't effectively lead her family. She also explained that learning to tend to her garden or take care of her foundation isn't a one time and its done thing...its ongoing. She has to ask herself daily what she needs to keep herself solid so she can be solid and strong for the people who need her.

What about you? Does your garden need tending? What is it the builds your foundation?

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