Sunday, January 27, 2008

I ended my entry yesterday with a question about how the quote from Einstein pertained to leadership. I pondered the question throughout the day and listened for the answer.

As I was drifting off to sleep last night it came to me. When we open ourselves up to the connection between ourselves and others, we open ourselves up to "hearing" our call to leadership. It is within this connection between people - between us and the universe - that we sense the call to lead.

For me, the call shows up as visceral feeling of being pulled in a certain direction. At times I ignore the call. I try to push it away because my brain, my ego, tells me that what I am called to do is different from what I had planned. I get scared. In many cases the call means change. My ego doesn't like that.

And yet, when I follow it, when I am willing to allow myself be guided rather than trying to control things, I inevitably and lead to greater freedom, fulfillment. service and impact. That is leadership.

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