Friday, February 08, 2008

Robert Quinn, author of books such as Deep Change - Discovering the Leader Within, Change the World, and Building the Bridge as You Walk On It, is one of my favorite authors on leadership. He stresses the necessity for leaders to look deep within themselves and risk making deep personal changes for the sake of having a positive impact on the world. He also stresses that by making these deep changes within ourselves, we choose to be alive.

Here is what he has to say. This is taken from Deep Change - Discovering the Leader Within

When people join the legions of the walking dead, they begin to live lives of "quiet desperation." They tend to experience feelings of meaninglessness, hopelessness, and impotence in their work roles, often taking on the role of "poor victim:...To turn this situation around, for the healing process to begin, people must engage in deep personal change - change that will only occur when people take active charge of their own lives...making deep personal change is not something we do for the organization; we do it for ourselves. It is a choice to be alive.

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